FEANTSA Forum 2024: Registrations open!

17th-18th of June, 2024

Vienna, Austria


Download the programme here: [Mobile version] / [Desktop version]

Download the list of site visits and working spaces here: [Mobile version] / [Desktop version]


We are pleased to announce the FEANTSA Forum 2024 will take place on the Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th of June 2024, at the ARCOTEL Wimberger in Vienna, Austria

About the venue: The ARCOTEL Wimberger is a hotel located in the 7th district of Vienna, by the Westbahnhof station. There will be a number of rooms available to book when registering for the Forum, on a first come, first serve basis.


Registrations are closed.


The FEANTSA Forum is our annual flagship event to discuss the latest practices, strategies, research, services, and policies in the fight against homelessness. Next year’s Forum will take place on the 17th and 18th of June 2024 in at the ARCOTEL Wimberger, in Vienna, Austria.

In 2024 you can expect to see sessions on the decriminalisation of homelessness; participation; the energy transition for homelessness services; hidden homelessness and LGBTI identities; and much, much more. Attendees will be given the opportunity to see Vienna’s services first hand, through site visits to local institutions.

The FEANTSA Forum provides a place for everyone, from service workers or housing providers, politicians and cities, to researchers or lawyers, from throughout Europe and beyond, to network, share, and learn from other's knowledge and experiences. In doing so we hope to foster greater communication between countries, organisations, and governments - mutually strengthening in the fight against homelessness.




Tuesday the 18th of June 2024


Breakout one:

Making the right to adequate housing a reality

Energy poverty and homelessness

  • Nicholas Pleace, University of York, UK
  • Carolyn Snell, University of York, UK
  • Anna Bajomi, FEANTSA (Chair)

The importance of alliances between social and housing sector to promote housing first and end homelessness

  • Gerlinde Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald, GBV, AT
  • Emine Özkan, BAWO, AT
  • Alexander Machatschke, BAWO, AT (Chair)

Can impact investment help to house homeless people?

  • Matteo Robiglio, President of European Impact Housing Network, IT
  • Sergio Serrano, Hogar Si, ES
  • Pierre Valentin, Habitat et Humanisme, FR
  • Ruth Owen, FEANTSA (Chair)

Towards improving the situation of Roma living in informal settlements

Using AI to Improve Homelessness Services

CANCERLESS Project: Using the ‘Health Navigation’ Model to Fight Cancer (and Health) Inequalities

  • Tobias Schiffler, Medical University of Vienna, AT
  • Dr Lisa Lehner, AmberMed, AT
  • Honja Hama, Medical University of Vienna, AT (Chair)

Hidden Homelessness and Trans Individuals

  • Mauro Striano, Alias, BE
  • Dr Alex Abramovich, Associate Professor at University of Toronto, CA
  • Sergio Perez, FEANTSA (Chair)

In Conversation with Experts by Experience: Beyond Tokenistic Participation

  • Michael Herzog, neunerhaus peer campus, AT
  • Omolayo Adekunle, Associazione I Tetti Colorati, IT
  • Primož Časl, Kralji ulice, SI
  • Paula Reid, neunerhaus, AT (Chair)

Breakout two:

What Does It Take for Women to Thrive in Services Supporting Women Exiting Homelessness?

  • Claire O’Sullivan, Tintéan Housing, IE
  • Julia Schratz, Lila wohnt, AT
  • Dalma Fabian, FEANTSA (Chair)

Unaccompanied Minors Experiencing Homelessness in Europe

Decriminalising Homelessness in Europe

Prevention of Youth Homelessness

  • Heidi Walter, A Way Home Canada, CA
  • Bill Rowlands, Ending Youth Homelessness Cymru, UK
  • Vesna Stefanec, Ljubljana Pride, SI
  • Lisa O’Brien, Focus Ireland, IE (Chair)

Using the Energy Transition to Reduce Costs for Homeless Service Providers

What’s Social in Social Housing?

  • Simon Güntner, Technische Universität Wien, AT
  • Alexander Machatschke, BAWO, AT (Chair)

Imprisonment and Homelessness – From Research to Practice

  • Mia Juselius, RETS, FI
  • Lars Benjaminsen, The Danish Centre for Social Science Research, DK
  • Nicholas Pleace, Centre for Housing Policy, University of York, UK
  • Freek Spinnewijn, FEANTSA (Chair)

Mixed Living: a home and a network in a social neighbourhood

Support For Migrants with Precarious Status

Closing Plenary:

OECD work on homelessness: Data on homelessness country notes and forthcoming toolkit to combat homelessness  

For questions please contact: 
